Dear WC:
Ware culd I find some good hare reemoovin creem? I been usin this Nair stuff an it jus give me the wors rash. Lordy! This uther nite when I were expecting Artel to come over to spen tha nite, I naired down in my cooch and then alla sudden got this awful fearsom itch. turn out it were a aylurjick reyakshun! Now i gotta find sumthin uther than Nair. Any Sujessjuns?
Yur Frend,
WC RESPONDS: OOH LAWD. Black Vanilla, I know that's you writing. But even if I hadn't already seen your myspace pics, I would KNOW you must be one HAIRY BITCH! You would not be writing if you weren't as hairy as a damn SASQUATCH!

Let me warn you though: WC went to a FANCY joint here in Miami Beach to get my hootchie cootchie waxed. Down here they call it a Brazilian, and let me tell you, they go ALL the way from Canada to Brazil.

Good luck & let me know how it go!
White Chocolate
P.S... To anybody else who wanna write WC, I won't out your name if you don't want me to. But I figured Black Vanilla wouldn't mind, and she didn't say she didn't wanna be shouted out.
P.P.S.. I'ma gonna get my drank on tonight! C-Ya!
oooooh shit! ain't no hep for dat gurl! she too hairy fo nair & da clippers Artel give her down wo out from bein use too much. that pix of Sasquatch look almos like BV.
Dear White Chocolate,
It is getting near Mother's Day, and I thought I'd ask you if you have any cool gift ideas. My mom doesn't like kitschy gifts. I thought of getting her 14 gifts (for the number of years she's been my mom) or maybe 20(for the years she's been a mother in general.) It depends on how many ideas I get. What I have so far:
1. Flowers
2. Chocolate
3. Thermos (for work)
4. Really good coffee
5. ??
P.S. Does going out for ice cream (on me) count as a gift??
Love and smooches,
Mother's Daughter
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