WOO HOO! These are lace-up HORSE BOOTS, sent in the email via a dude who is appropriately called Shoe. Thanks, Shoe (shout-out from W.C.)!
These boots would make W.C. taller than a drag queen! And not only that, but they look good for stomping around with, especially up in the club where W.C. would be able to see over the heads of EVERYBODY.
And it would be good for one of W.C.'s fave dance moves, called "The Horse"... The Horse can be described such-like: Think Elaine Benes, mixed with Marky Mark, mixed with a Vanilla Ice running man, with a little MC Hammer thrown in.
More later...
ay baby ay ay ay.....
WC mmy bootiful mamacita ay tink choo would loo sooo secsy wid dis bootses. ay meen goin out to de clob an dancin wid choo een dose bootses. oooof lie de gabachos say in san diego.... choo would rock may worl.....
anyway i tink u choold definily get them bootses baby... i weel gibe choo may savins monis for choo to buy dem yes?
Has this blog become a haven of Foot Fetish or what? WC, time for some D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y. You're losing your edge, gurl...
Ramon: You can send any kinda money to W.C. that you want, baby. I take it.
Oh HELL no you didn't, DC. Feet are important. You got feet. I got some BIG OL' feet. Just cause you don't take your crusty feets to the salon for sparkles, well that't YO thang.
J/K, I am messing with you, D-dawg. But for serious? I post what the people give me. If ya'll would start sending me some "Dear W.C." questions to answer, or some better pics, W.C. just MIGHT just be able to get off the foot topic.
Also, BiBi (and the rest of the folks who W.C. follows up on in the news) have been hit or miss with their antics. No antics = nothing for W.C. to talk about...
Oh, but guess what. I got some pics of a high-school reunion par-tay that I crashed, and they are going up soon....! You R gonna love them.
Luv ya, mean it.
Those boots sure are purtay... they just what 5 Dolla likes. I put those shit on my gimp and ride his ass around all day... giddy up!
Gurl, I bet you would! You freaky!
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