Take, for example, the occasion of the installation of The Pole at G.Z. (for those of you who ain't in the know, "G.Z." stands for Ground Zero, a special party-spot located in Florida. A craygee lady named "Wild Oats" is the proprietor, but it's a private V.I.P. establishment, so don't go trying to seek it out. INVITATION ONLY, BITCHES! But the FL G.Z. existed years before the new G.Z. in N-Why-C, and the Florida G.Z. has nothing to do with airplanes, or towers, or putting a jihad on anybody's ass)... Oh, except maybe for the time when a bottle-rocket put a jihad on a certain party-goer's ass... but that's a discussion for another time....
Back to STANK, and The Pole: When The Pole became installed at G.Z., for the festivities surrounding the recent birthday of Wild Oats, W.C. just HAD to throw down some stank (see photographic evidence). Now, this is for professionals, friends. You might wanna practice this at home in front of the mirror before you go exhibiting STANK out in public. To really get down, one must allow the STANK to take over. One must give oneself over to the STANK. Become ONE with the stank. You can do it. Plentiful "Natural Ice" beer and good music helps. W.C. can help, too.... If you want to know more about the secrets of stank, but need help getting your STANK on, or you just need advice, give W.C. a shout: emailWC@gmail.com.

I was at that party and all I can say is White Chocolate was OUTTA CONTROL! She worked that pole and everyone loved it!
Wild Oats
Oh My gooooooodness!!! WC did throw down some STANK on that pole. I seen it!
i think I in lobe with dis why chocolat chica!!! cheese one sexy mamacita!!! Por favor chica lemme start a fan cluv of chu. chu are sooo sexy dancin on dat pole an troin dat stank.
Ramon?! Who dat is? Boy, you want some White Chocolate? I don't think you can HANDLE you some White Chocolate. I'ma gonna check out yo profile, tho, and I might holla back if you sexy.
why chocolat. i promis i is sexy. i am from acapulco an i work by pool all day. i hab great tan an muscular butt. no speedo tan line i can sho chu if chu wan....i no i can handle dis why chocolat mamacita because i so macho chu jus gonna lob it
Ohh goodness! WC gots a STALKER!!! Who dis Ramon, girl??? Shit, let da little man see how much of a HUGE BITCH WC really is!
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